Thursday, August 12, 2010

niagara falls

me and a couple of my siblings went to Niagara falls in July and it was really cool even though i got soaked and there were tons of bugs :P

                                 boat tour that takes you practicaly into the falls

huge fireworks show

we didnt get to see the illuminations from where we were sittin on
the other side of the falls


  1. Niagara Falls is cool. Where did you get the pictures? I'm assuming you weren't flying above the falls for the aerial shot. :)

  2. Those are some really cool pictures Josie. It's fun to see the beach pics too since we couldn't be there. Great blog! What a fun creative title. :)

  3. i couldnt find any pictures of niagara loaded onto out computer yet so i just looked some up yesterday
    when the pics r on the computer, i'll load some on so it wont look like i'm lying:)
    but we did see all of the things in the pictures (the loudness of the fireworks made the ground shake)

  4. You've been someplace I haven't! Someday... Did you see the pageant while you were up there?

  5. yeah we saw the pagent. i especialy liked the water wall and fire parts

  6. Those pictures are really pretty! That looks like it was a fun trip! :)
