Thursday, August 12, 2010

Beach Trip

around a week and a half ago, my family and the fialas went to the Outer Banks! this time we stayed in a community called Four Seasons (awesome) in Duck.  the water had jellyfish and sea lice (that make you itch like crazy:( but at least we had access to 3 pools that we substituted for the ocean.
i didnt like staying in Duck compared to where we usualy stay because it has all these small shops that have been around forever and im used to big souveneer shopping squares.  but there was a really cool doughnut place...:)

               this is me and ashtyn bein all cool in our matching shirts
              (my hair is in a pony tail, i didnt cut it:)

cute little dexter at the sand dunes (awww!)

Curtis swimming in our pool

me on the beach (i think i'm biting my lip? who knows)

a cute shot of Marley on my mom's deck


  1. Great blog Josie! I will be sure to check it often. That sounds awful about the jellyfish and sea lice (yuck!). But good thing you had all those pools to keep you busy!

  2. thanks kim! yea thank goodness we had pools or i would just be sleeping the whole time :D
