Friday, November 5, 2010

Apple store fun

Me and ashtyn went with my dad to the Apple store earlier today and we played around with the new iPods (that have cameras) and computers... and we emailed ourselves all the pics we took :) here's some (or all) of them...

those were the ones taken by the iPod... and now the ones w/ the special effects >:D

Oh the joy of picture taking...

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Birthday!!!

Soooo i know i haven't posted i a while, but i WILL REDEEM MYSELF!
by posting about my birthday party on Oct 15th  :D yay!
It's going to be a halloween party becuase we can't go trick or treating this year :(
and i'm inviting people from my church mostly... and one of my other friends and Ashtyn... OH AND ASHLEY! (Landreth)
we're going to be making haunted houses and watch The Villiage... which i heard is REALLY creepy.
it was either The Villiage or E.T., and that alien thing creeps me out SO much so that was ruled out:)
here's a picture of the haunted houses we'll be making~
Picture of Haunted Candy House Recipe
it uses like 12 chocolate bars per house (plus melted chocolate for glue) so we might substitute some choc bars for gram crackers.

oh and HAPPY (early) BIRTHDAY Tommy!

I also found out today that one of my friends was ALSO born on October 10th, so that was pretty epic.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


like everyone else, i am TOTALY pumped for the 1st day of school! (*cough* not really *cough*) my open house is tomorrow, along with tennis and piano lessons. so fun :(! when i was at Grandma's and Grandpa's house with the Wilkinsons and Ashtyn, my mom called and said that she got a call from my school... and i got the hardest science teacher they have! yet another reason to be PHSYCHED for the 1st day.
hope you guys have a great year!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


mockingjay is coming out in 2 days!  i cant wait to read it but my mom said that she had to read it 1st :'( and i have to finish my essays for school before i can start sad:(
if you have read the hunger games series, comment and say who you think Katniss will end up with! (Gale or Peeta)
I personaly want her to stay with Peeta he's so much sweeter and he was in the arena with her!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

hadads lake

yesterday (monday) my friend Kristen invited me to go with her to Hadads Lake (hey- dads :) because her step- dad had some police convension thing there.  it was lots of fun!  Rachel (someone from my 4/5th grade class) also came, and it was good to see her again too.  it was three different pools, two small ones with a slide and volleyball in the water. the big one was as deep as 20 feet and had 2 rope swings, 2 floaty trampolines connected by a floaty bridge, and a tower with two giant yellow squishy things bellow it that you jump onto, and then you go to the end of it and someone else jumps on and you go flying! TONS OF FUN! but it did hurt a lot when you jumped onto the squishy things because it was usualy a face plant... oh well:)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

painting the fence/ deck

on saturday me and my family woke up early and started staining the deck/ fence before it got too hot.  after 20 minutes, we lost Marley and Curtis, Courtney came and left thru out the day, and Eli quit after like an hour.  so for most of the day (into afternoonish) me, my dad, my mom, and dallin were all working on the fence.  we got slushies in the middle, and talked while we broke our backs staining every last inch of our huge fence.  we used about 10 gallons of stain (EXPENSIVE) and played games and had treats after the kids went to bed. we also got gelati:D my favorite part!

Friday, August 13, 2010

my room

ashtyn came over to my house today and we started making a model of my dream room! we have 3 rugs, 1/2 of a hot tub, a bed + 3 pillows, a beanbag chair, a ladder (for my loft), and a 1/2 of a hammock made.

          here are the rugs... ashtyn got the idea for the green and pink
        one from Kimmy

half of hammock, bed w/ pillows, and bean bag filled with rice :)

pink hot tub!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

niagara falls

me and a couple of my siblings went to Niagara falls in July and it was really cool even though i got soaked and there were tons of bugs :P

                                 boat tour that takes you practicaly into the falls

huge fireworks show

we didnt get to see the illuminations from where we were sittin on
the other side of the falls

Beach Trip

around a week and a half ago, my family and the fialas went to the Outer Banks! this time we stayed in a community called Four Seasons (awesome) in Duck.  the water had jellyfish and sea lice (that make you itch like crazy:( but at least we had access to 3 pools that we substituted for the ocean.
i didnt like staying in Duck compared to where we usualy stay because it has all these small shops that have been around forever and im used to big souveneer shopping squares.  but there was a really cool doughnut place...:)

               this is me and ashtyn bein all cool in our matching shirts
              (my hair is in a pony tail, i didnt cut it:)

cute little dexter at the sand dunes (awww!)

Curtis swimming in our pool

me on the beach (i think i'm biting my lip? who knows)

a cute shot of Marley on my mom's deck

the last melon creation

this is my first entry in my new blog! this was a compromise between me and my mom because i wanted a facebook page, and she wanted to wait...
me and my mom were trying to come up with a name, and we started putting my nickname (dodo) in some of our ideas.  then Dallin shows up and says we should put melon in it because of the dodo birds in the movie Ice Age.  THE LAST MELON WAS CREATED!